Principal’s Desk

From Principal’s Desk

Dr B.B Kamble

Mahatma Gandhi believed that education should be all round personality development and our Laxmi Charitable Trust’s Shri Chinai College of Commerce and Economics is leading to inculcate the same culture among the students who resides in and around Andheri with special objective of developing commercial knowledge and enriching the student in the field so that the students will contribute towards economic growth of the nation.

I as a principal of the college do believe in the proverb that “a gem cannot be polished without friction nor man perfected without trial”. Therefore we undertake certain activities to promote and provide the ground where trials and tribulations are large in number. And provides them smug support and wise guidance so that, they work towards greater achievements in their desired field. We are continuously in the process of imparting quality education to our students and help them to be a civilized and responsible citizen of the nation.

